St. Paul’s Alive

Bob Rowe presented the idea of “St.Paul’s Alive”.  The Congregation were asked to join this program for $10.00 per month per individual, through PAR or envelope or Canada Helps. If at least 35 people were interested this would generate $4200.00 per year going forward. Offering incentives was discussed and will be updated.  Community and any interested person could be involved in this program as well. Of course if we can interest more than 35 people and if any participants are willing to up the $10.00 per month individual amount to $20.00 $25.00 and even $30.00 per month, we can see where this could go. A table will be at the front of the Church after services starting January 5/20 for 2-3 weeks with PAR sign-up sheets and that with a void cheque will get you involved. 








You can donate to St. Paul’s Alive through Canada Helps