An affirming church serving the community

Over the years it has been both a pleasure to be able to supply a venue for community and special family events in Warkworth. These facilities, including the sanctuary, the Gathering Place (banquet/meeting room), and the kitchen were built for use by our congregation and our community. They are available to the community on a not-for-profit, cost recovery basis.


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General Information


The information on this page has been placed here to help you understand our philosophy and our priorities:

  • St. Paul’s Church events and groups have first choice for the use of these facilities.

  • Annual, monthly, weekly or regular bookings are available.

Fees and Services

We have made every effort to keep our rental fees modestly priced, while at the same time offering a complete rental package to meet your needs wherever possible.  


A copy of the wedding policy is available from the Admin. Assistant, Sue Hugginson 705-924-2840 


Special consideration is offered to families for the use of our Church facilities for funerals. A donation to offset the increasing cost of operating and maintaining these facilities would be very much appreciated

Baptisms and Memorials

All bookings are made through the Administrative Assistant, Sue Hugginson at 705 924 2840 she will refer you to the Minister if necessary.

To book the Gathering Place for a catered event

Please check our Gathering Place Calendar for availability. Kate Rapos in the church office 705-924-2840 can assist you with a quote and booking

.Booking information must include the name and phone number of one contact person, expected number of people, any special equipment needs, arrival and departure time including set-up and take-down time.

  • Banquet room (The Gathering Place) $50/per half day: $75 full day

  • Banquet room (The Gathering Place) and Kitchen: $75 half day: $100 full day (A half day is 4 hrs or less)

  • Annual, monthly, weekly or other regular bookings will have fees that are negotiated individually with the Steward’s Committee. Written requests are preferred from groups or individuals having this need.

  • Payment is preferred prior to the event by cheque. The booking personnel will assist you with payment details.

  • Please note that these fees include the disposal of two large green garbage bags of “wet waste”. If your function generates more than two bags, we ask that you remove them when you leave. Thank you!  We recycle cans and bottles and cardboard, but no other paper or plastic products.

Your responsibilities our Expectations


  • We believe that all of our users will respect our equipment and facilities and treat them as if they were their own.

  • We specifically hope that the equipment and facilities will be returned to the condition they were in prior to the event, including where possible the dismantling and stacking of chairs and tables. If a special set-up is required, this can be arranged through the Secretary. An extra cost may be incurred for custodial time.

  • It is particularly important to us that the thermostats are returned to a low setting (15 degrees C.) at the end of an event. The cost to heat our Church is approaching $9000 per year! We need all the help we can get in controlling this cost.

  • Smoking and the consumption of alcoholic beverages without the required “Special Occasions Permit” and Smart Service are not permitted inside the facilities.

  • Please report any breakage, spillage or safety issue to the Secretary as soon as possible. We must reserve the right to assess any damage and claim it from the group or individual using the facility.

  • We expect that the contact person for the group will ensure that all fees are paid.

  • All children and children’s groups must have adequate adult supervision.

  • We reserve the right to deny any person or group access to our Church facilities.

  • No equipment or materials may be removed from the Church without written permission from the Steward’s Committee.

  • Food and consumable kitchen supplies must be supplied by groups or families unless other arrangements have been made with the United Church Women.

  • All perishables plus cooking and other equipment that has been brought to the Church is to be removed immediately following the event.

  • The final authority regarding the use of the Sanctuary will be the Chair of Session.

  • The final authority regarding the use of the banquet room and meeting room will be the Chair of Stewards

  • The final authority regarding the use of the kitchen will be the President of the United Church Women.

  • Any group or family using the facilities of St. Paul’s United Church shall indemnify and save harmless the Church from any claims whatsoever by or in respect of any person or persons or property. Those people attending functions organized by groups that are not affiliated with St. Paul’s United Church are not covered by the Church’s liability insurance. Booking an event with the Church is acknowledgement of the responsibility of the group or individual to provide their own liability protection.

We at St. Paul’s United, look forward to serving your needs for many years to come!

We hope we can help make your event a success and we thank you for your interest and cooperation.

~ The Steward’s Committee of St. Paul’s United Church.

Revised May 2013


Further Recources

Click here to request a copy of
St Paul’s Gathering Place Rental Agreement